What is the full form for IUPC ?
Ans: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IUPC Recently added Darmstadtium as 110 th element , named after which city ?
Other elements added
111th element - Roentgenium - Named after Rontgen
What is the nationality of Rontgen?
Ans: Germany
Nationality of Nicolaus Copernicus ?
Ans: Poland
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry head quarters situated at ?
Ans: Zurich, Switzerland
Ans: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IUPC Recently added Darmstadtium as 110 th element , named after which city ?
Ans: Darmstadt (Germany )
Other elements added
111th element - Roentgenium - Named after Rontgen
112 th element - Copernicium - Named After Nicolaus Copernicus
What is the nationality of Rontgen?
Ans: Germany
Nationality of Nicolaus Copernicus ?
Ans: Poland
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry head quarters situated at ?
Ans: Zurich, Switzerland